
Advanced Skin + Body Aesthetics and Med Spa in Lincoln, NE

What’s Your Skincare Routine?

What’s Your Skincare Routine?

Summertime brings vacation and fun in the sun, but it leaves a myriad of substances and chemicals on our skin. Sunscreen, sweat, chlorine, sea or lake water, bug spray, etc.—our summer habits could damage our delicate skin if we aren’t sure to abide by a healthy...

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Having a Bad Day? Time to Relax!

Having a Bad Day? Time to Relax!

Everyone has a bad day once in a while! There’s no need to beat yourself up about it when we’ve all been there. However, if you find yourself in that next less-than-fun headspace, finding a little time to relax will make a world of difference. Stress may have started...

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How Does Reiki Relieve Stress?

How Does Reiki Relieve Stress?

Things are stressful. That’s a fact. And part of our time is spent trying to find ways to battle that stress. Exercise, meditation, journaling, yoga, quality sleep, laughter, self-affirmations, therapy, music, and other creative endeavors are all great ways to stave...

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Stay Hydrated! Sure, but why? And how?

Stay Hydrated! Sure, but why? And how?

We hear about it all the time. “Drink lots of water!” they say. Whether it’s your masseuse, your trainer, your aesthetician, or your doctor they all push hydration. We could just accept this as truth with no investigation. OR we could do a little research to find out...

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The (7) Benefits of Regular Facials

The (7) Benefits of Regular Facials

  We’re going to tell you right up front—facials make you feel good! The quiet, the aromatherapy, the gentle yet firm touch of the aesthetician. You get to lie down under warm blankets with your eyes closed, nothing required of you, while someone else focuses all...

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The Positive Potential of Self-Affirmations

The Positive Potential of Self-Affirmations

Maintaining a positive outlook can be difficult at times. When the world seems to be falling apart and we can’t help but blame ourselves in some way, shape, or form, it feels impossible to focus on our accomplishments. But what we’ve come to find out is that reminding...

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Dermaplaning and the 5 Reasons We Love It!

Dermaplaning and the 5 Reasons We Love It!

We LOVE dermaplaning! We really do! It is such a quick and simple way to revive your skin. Give it a day and you’ll be bouncing around feeling like they scraped away 10 years of your life along with a little dead skin and peach fuzz. We know, it can look a little...

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Caring For Your Eyebrows!

Caring For Your Eyebrows!

If the eyes are the windows to your soul, then the eyebrows are the window frames. Not only are they the most expressive element of your face, but they set the tone. If they’re overly groomed and arched, you can appear harsh and angry. They can age you or soften you,...

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Trending Aesthetics Treatments for 2022

Trending Aesthetics Treatments for 2022

It’s said everywhere, New Year, new you! Well, Advanced Skin + Body Aesthetics loves the you that you are all year round, but we also understand that the New Year gives us an excuse to change some habits and set some goals. We’re here to support all of your body and...

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Reiki: What is it? And how can it help me?

Reiki: What is it? And how can it help me?

It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, there’s always something to stress over, something to lose sleep over, and once we start down that path, our bodies and psyches begin to suffer. Our mind, body, and spirit are so interconnected that when something goes wrong...

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Most Popular Aesthetic Treatments for Men in 2021

Most Popular Aesthetic Treatments for Men in 2021

Feel awesome, look even better! Let’s be honest—it has not always been easy for a man to go to the spa for a treatment. He probably would have suffered endless ribbing from his mates and leery looks from his partner. Guess what? The times they are a-changin'....

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How to Care for Winter-Battered Skin

How to Care for Winter-Battered Skin

Your skin is a delicate organ, and the winter months can be cruel. As the temperatures drop, you feel your skin begin to dry and crack, your lips chap, and suddenly you’re constantly thirsty. We’ve assembled a strategy to get you through this, and every, winter...

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